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Volume 03 Issue 05S May 2021 

e-ISSN : 2582 - 4376 
Open Access 

Special Issue of First International Conference on Information Technology, Computing & 

Applications ICITCA 2021) 

Footprints of Educational Technology in Higher Education 

Hemalatha B D' 

'Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India. 



Education is a powerful weapon which prepares the individual to face the difficulties of life, come out of 
poverty fear, and help to achieve status in society. At present scenario, continuous learning and updating 
is very essential for everyone. As per the frequent changes in technology people also should learn 
continuously. Maximum members of present generation are stepping into the higher education and are 
growing fast due to the availability of plenty of learning resources outside the classroom. Education 
becomes more global by the help of internet and technological devices, applications used by the 
institutions, teachers and the students are really appreciable in making each and every one smart enough 
to lead the life in modern era. To reach the fullest potential we should encourage the use of Technology 
in present education. In this paper author made an attempt of analysing overall outcome of technology in 

education fields. 

Keywords: Higher education, technology, devices, educational institutions, teachers, students. 

1. Introduction 

Education is one of the constitutional rights of 
every citizen. Education prepares an individual to 
play his/her role as a sophisticated member of 
society [1].Olden day’s education system was 
restricted into the four walls of schools, colleges or 
Universities. Few years back learning meant for 
taking degrees for becoming graduate. Then 
additional learning meant only for teaching 
faculties. Now Trend has been changed. Higher 
education became whole and soul to lead 
satisfactory life in the digital world. An individual 
should learn throughout life in one or other way in 
the society [2]. The modern technologies are 
helping the people to learn new things and acquire 
knowledge by the help of teachers in the initial 
stages. Later on, the pupil can operate the system 
by the basic inputs. In traditional method of 
education system, students will gather under a roof 
at a specific time and place, where teachers teach, 
peer discusses and interact to clear doubts in the 
classroom. Gaining knowledge by the listener 
depends on knowledge level of instructor [3]. In 

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) 

2lst century, student’s entry to classroom is 
entirely different from earlier. For the present 
generation and digital world, updated educational 
technologies are seems important to give timely 
balanced education. Technology based classrooms 
were attracted by students more and teachers also 
started approaching the students with modern 
technologies so that interests of pupils can be 
increased by enhancing new _ knowledge. 
Improvement of technology provides the facility to 
bring education in new _ framework. This 
framework recognised as E- learning, it is used as 
a potential by different educational institutions of 
India [2]. 

2. Technology over Traditional system 

System of education has changed completely due 
to the entry of technology in-between the 
traditional education method. Writing in 
blackboard, drawing pictures are the methods of 
traditional classrooms. But now a day’s gathering 
knowledge system has been changed. To gain 
knowledge, to get answers, we depends internet 
and other technological sources. Currently the 

traditional way of education we could find very 
rarely and that itself becoming fashion of 
institution; and modern generation people use to 
visit such educational institutions by searching 
through different ways. The elders of recent years 
are happy to see such institutions. Knowledge of 
our elders those who studied under the traditional 
system of education are really very deep. Along 
with the overall knowledge they were well versed 
by the values. They are having good memory 
power compare to modern generation and their 
ability of solving problems is entirely different. 
The way of teaching in traditional system of 
education is adorable by all means. Healthy 
teaching area, real teaching aids, flexible 
curriculum, values, activities along with the 
studies, friendly natured teachers like parents were 
the major things under the traditional structure of 
system. Theory, practical lessons, value based 
education; training taught by the teachers in an 
understanding way is very helpful throughout the 
life. Educational technologies are very significant 
in present world which is a self motivating system 
through online learning. The internet is part and 
parcel of educational system. Internet facility will 
be used by both teachers and students [4]. Every 
student acquires knowledge or collects the 
information through the internet web. People are 
used to modernization. The modern generation 
likes technology based system of education rather 
traditional method. They wanted work to be done 
easily with in short period of time. Education 
technology brings much _ flexibility in the 
classroom. Educational institutions find different 
types of hardware and software, which helpful to 
the students [5]. In addition with different age 
group, different nationality and _ different 
professionals can come together to gain knowledge 
through = educational _ technologies. _—_— Indian 
educational institutions including universities are 
using educational technology. Online education 
has taken centre stage in United State, Canada and 
Europe. In India these efforts are still going on. 
Currently this system is used by adults only [6]. 
Online education is expensive compared to 
traditional method. In technology-based education 
concepts can be taught easily within the less time, 
less energy will be utilised by facilitator and where 
as in traditional based education system concepts 
will take up time to complete and more physical 

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) 

Volume 03 Issue 05S May 2021 

instructions required. So, use of technology and 
along with the traditional learning will give great 
benefit to both teachers and students it means 
technology cannot replace the traditional methods 
but can complement them. Almost all the lessons 
can be well explained by the use technology and 
some lessons may need the physical instructions 
[5]. But traditional education system requires 
continuous physical instructions and presence of 

2.1. Importance of Higher Education 

Carrier and financial security can be attained by 
higher education. 21st century provides more 
chances to improve the quality of life. Higher 
education provides good economic condition, 
health, civic involvement, personal development, 
better communication, and realisation of passions, 
greater sense of discipline and also sense of 
accumulation. It makes to understand subjects, 
think analytically and display ideas of an 
individual effectively. It provides needed security 
and keeps the life of a citizen in a society in a 
better place [7].Higher education helps to exhibit 
extracurricular talents. It will help to gain high 
skill, intellectual development and follow the 
passion [8] Use of Technology make easy to use 
education resources; it improves the learning 
experience, helps for self -learning, and helps to 
prepare for their carrier [9]. Students pursuing 
Higher education have their own responsibilities, 
so due to these different commitments they don’t 
have time to attend traditional classes. Higher 
education is one of the massive industries which 
are efficiently positioned to manage the 
appreciable benefits from digital transformation to 
provide healthy service [10]. 
2.2.Impact of educational 
modern generation 
Educational technology has become integral part 
of our daily life. Students will get countless online 
resources and involve them in learning process. In 
the contemporary pandemic condition, educational 
technologies are playing a vital role. The 
percentage of utilisation of technologies by the 
students and teachers rose rapidly by the online 
education tools because, of genuine reason and to 
balance the academic curriculum. By the use of 
technological devices, most of the pupils are not 
interested towards the traditional methods of 
education. The devices like smart phone, iPod, 

technology on 

laptop, desktop and tablet computers and many 
more are captivating the youngsters, and people 
are using the devices for other than education 
purposes. That will lead to divert their minds and 
devices will be used most for unnecessary 
activities or unwanted way. The devices itself give 
the guidelines of operating it, so it doesn’t require 
any teacher. Younger generation is very fast in 
using the technological devices but less for good 
sake. Applications of devices changing the track of 
pupils and so many examples we could find in the 
different media. Devices made the people to be 
lazy, rusted, and busy with devices, depend, addict 
and stick on to it. The condition of most people is 
like without devices they can’t lead life. They 
forgot maximum relations, lost the connectivity 
between the surroundings, less concentration on 
health, became arrogant and many more impacts 
we can observe. There are so many things to learn 
and to know from the device from the place we 
are, the important thing is to use the devices in a 
proper way. Without the educational technologies 
we could have not overcome from the academic 
educational drawbacks during the COVID-19 
pandemic situation. In fact the educational 
techniques are much more welfare to the people 
those who strive for knowledge. People found 
online system of education is best and safe in this 
time. If the utilisation of devices is done in a best 
way, people can improve, develop self and get the 
maximum benefits of devices in positive way. 

3. Quality of Education due to Technology 

The goal of educational technologies is to improve 
the student’s performance. It is systematic 
application of technological process and resource 
for teaching. It identified the needs of the students, 
instruct and track the student’s performance [11]. 
There is continues evolution of E-learning 
educational technology and inspiring teachers and 
students. So, it’s quite that advancement in 
technology to enter the game _ changing 
opportunities in the world of Education. 
Technology enriches both students and teachers. 
Educational technology improves the 
communication of knowledge, its development and 
exchange. Role of the teachers are very significant 
where they inspire the students to use the 
educational technology in worthy way. New 
technology is utilized to develop and apply new 
educational approaches for learning and for the 

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) 

Volume 03 Issue 05S May 2021 

achievements of students. Education technology 
helps the students in different angles. It enlarges 
the chances; it collaborate offline and online 
classes as a new strategy [12]. Now a day’s mobile 
become a primary device to connect the people of 
the globe. Mobile phone used as a tool connected 
between teachers, students and parents from 
anywhere, anytime and makes the learning more 
collaborative and effective. Universities are using 
data to improve the results. Universities are using 
big data to reach the competitive advantage with 
the advanced technology. The government is also 
working and supporting to bring the advance in 
educational technology. Hearing classes and 
gaining knowledge through the audio-video classes 
are more preferred by students. By the use of 
technology blended programs will be conducted. 
More universities are using educational technology 
to improve the quality of the students and faculty 
[13]. Remote area students also felt comfortable 
with the online classes. Raise of MOOC (Massive 
Open Online Courses) from a decade was in 
moderate level, but in this pandemic it becomes 
very significant [14]. College level students will 
have certain technical skills. They will be well 
versed in computer aspects. Learning management 
will make them to be more skilful. This helps them 
to be well equipped in future. Web based learning 
providing fair learning platform to undergraduate 
students. Learning ability, problem solving skills, 
comprehensive abilities are developed by E- 
learning. E-learning enables the students repeated 
learning and improves the quality [2]. 

4. Major changes observed in Educational 
institutions by adopting Technology 

Educational technology improves the relation 
between teachers and students. There are no 
limitations to technology [15]. Modern technology 
enables the students to take the responsibility of 
their education. Present world is a competitive 
one, so the educational technology is significant to 
stay in this competitive world. Use of Technology 
in education reduces the learning expenditure also 
and helps for the further increase the academic 
performance. Today's technological world expects 
the students, parents, teachers to accept the digital 
learning experiences [16]. From the past two 
decades, education landscape has been indirectly 
altered by technological innovation. Revolutionary 
advances of information and communication 


technology brought renaissances in education 
technology. Government, schools, colleges, 
universities, parents and students highly appreciate 
the educational technology as a main part of the 
education procedure and move accordingly. In 
recent years, big data, artificial intelligence are 
influencing more and expanding the technology 
further in education field and speeding the learning 
process. These technologies increase the potentials 
and expanding the quality of Education. The 
educational technology helps the students to get 
degrees even though they constrained by work, 
families and disabilities to seek higher education 

4.1 Challenges faced by the remote areas due to 
technological education system 

Rural area students and teachers face many 
problems to use of technology. The problem 
includes poverty to buy the devices, electricity, 
network issues, connectivity complications, 
expensive data packs, and device problems, less 
service centre, digital, infrastructures and also lack 
of trained teachers. In fact it’s not because of 
availability of well trained teachers; rather most of 
knowledgeable, trained teachers are not ready to 
be in remote area by thinking their self 
development and improvement by all means. 
Educational institutes in Remote area also have the 
finance problem to adopt the educational 
technology. Even if the institutes posses 
educational technology facility, there will be an 
electricity and internet problem 
[18].Underdeveloped countries have its own 
problems in providing high speed internet facility. 

As there is no practice, fluency in the language and 
lack of awareness of educational technologies, 
most of the time pupils of remote area were 
finding difficult to manage with classes and they 
not feel comfortable about the online classes. But 
each and every corner of India was adjustable 
fairly to handle the changes in education system 
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional students 
found tough to adjust for the fastness of the online 
teaching [6]. Many students have problem of 
having personal phone or laptop or computer 
system. Lower income household children cannot 
get benefits of Education technology equally. 

4.2 Considerable facts of Technology in 
Education field 

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) 

Volume 03 Issue 05S May 2021 

The winds of change that span the current 
academic sphere are usual. In present day, students 
step into college with their own wish. They are 
like to do job as part time and study or studying 
online. They like to use their own devices even 
they study in online or offline. The sheer 
miscellaneous of apparatus they bring to the 
campus will demoralise. In order to meet all the 
needs of the students, college management tries to 
arrange proper infrastructures. Collaborative work 
of private and Public sector helps to arrange the 
good infrastructure facilities. Almost educational 
institutions provide the environment to use college 
devices for the study purposes. Mobilization of 
digital learning is the needy of present situation. 
Virtualization is the current issue all over the 
world. Virtualization will provide the college 
resources as it is. Many Indian universities suggest 
digitalisation very significant issues. Updated 
digital transformation keeps the educational 
institutions very relevant. Investment on 
virtualization can create educational revolution and 
equality in India [19]. Power of educational 
Technology, digital media and quality of learning 
resources are the virtual classroom solutions. 
Social media also contributed a lot. National 
employability report says that Indian education 
sector have witnessed for its major growth. India is 
having a large population and having second 
largest graduating India [20]. In the current 
scenario educational institutions are in umlauting 
to find the valid amalgamation of students, 
faculties, protocols and system to discharge their 
academic programs. Learning management system 
(LMS) are becoming an interface for managing 
study area, for instructing students, providing 
curricular activities, co -curricular activities to run 
the administration smoothly and generation of 
reports. By the use of educational technologies one 
can acquire the knowledge through E-learning. E- 
learning helps to collect sources related to 
education, administration easily and re-uses it 
multiple times. This process helps the students and 
teachers outside the classroom and to use it 
anytime. LMS help the students to gain more 
knowledge and it will speed up the quality of 
knowledge compare to traditional classes [2]. 
Online educational tools used for different 
purposes. Online classes combine all activities to 
provide and overall good outcome. To improve the 

technical education, online tool used in Indian 
education system [6]. One -to -one technology 
introduced in many developed countries. Under 
one -to-one program all grade level students 
atclass, school and district level provided 
computer for the use through the school day and 
some cases at home also. One laptop per child 
(OLPC) program in a_ developing country 
empowers every school age child. In 1997 USA 
introduced education technology program known 
E-rate which connected maximum students of the 
country. By the 2018 with the high- speed 
broadband education technology, 99% of college 
students benefited. The distribution of computers 
to the low-income students used more effectively 
from store this program benefit benefited to the 
minorities, woman, lower income students and 
younger students [17]. 


Life of ignorant and illiterate will make us to 
understand the significance of education. 
Education increases the confidence and give 
chance to use more opportunities. Education 
develops a good citizen; good citizen can build 
better life, better society and a better World. 
Higher education is open more paths to mould a 
better life of an individual. The globalization 
brought the countries very close and world called 
as a Global village. In present world adoption of 
Educational Technology is very significant, 
specifically in higher education. Under developed 
countries find a little difficult to move along with 
developed countries as they have internal problems 
to adopt educational technology universally. 
Educational technologies are helping all the 
teachers and learners to improve their skill and 
enhance their knowledge. Only thing is all have to 
utilise it in a better way and healthy way. 
Government already facilitated and is planning to 
fulfil the requirements of educational institutions 
under it. And also all universities are supporting 
and helping to the students to continue education 
beyond the classroom. In India National Education 
Policy-2020 also concentrates on digital learning. 
However, technology cannot replace the teachers 
but it can save time. Virtual learning cannot 
recreate the student- teacher relationship. But it is 
a method of evolution of older technique. Modern 
technology improved the student teacher 
interaction, increased the efficiency, inspire the 

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) 

Volume 03 Issue 05S May 2021 

more learning, reduced the assessment burden and 

maximised learning time. It also increased access 

to resources, increased the confidence, improved 
pupils behaviour. But this is not fully replaced the 
traditional classroom teaching. 


I remember with an affection of the sustained 

support extended by my family. I place on record 

my sincere gratitude to my _ best friend 

Mrs.Sandhya Naveen and I am grateful to her for 

the editorial work of this article. 



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International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub (IRJASH) 

Volume 03 Issue 05S May 2021